File Management Widget

Trying It Out

Embeding the SmartVault Widget

Let’s begin by adding the smartvault:embed element to our HTML code. Simply add the following line inside the body of Index.cshtml. We will set the configuration JSON, confObject, as the value of the conf attribute of the smartvault:embed element.


Setting Up the Configuration Object

Now let’s create the configuration object using JSON structure. Let’s begin by building a minimal object that will allow a user to sign in and authorize the application. The object will consist of two components, type and target. We will set type to “Folder”. The target will include a pathType and a pth. (Click here for more details about the different components of the configuration object.)

     "type": "Folder",
          "pathType": "pth",
          "pth": []

Now that we have the JSON structure, let’s go ahead and add it to our code by inserting the following into the body of our Index.cshtml.
As long as the smartvault:embed is part of the page DOM before the JavaScript libarry is loaded, no extra steps are required. This is the normal case if you are serving the smartvault:embed tag already configured.

              string json = "{\"type\":\"Folder\",\"target\":{\"pathType\":\"pth\",\"pth\":[]}}";
              . . .

Lastly, we’ll need to do a Base64 encoding of the the json object.

              string json = "{\"type\":\"Folder\",\"target\":{\"pathType\":\"pth\",\"pth\":[]}}";
              byte[] jsonBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json);
              string confObject = System.Convert.ToBase64String(jsonBytes);


Adding the SmartVault JavaScript Library

All we need now is to add the URL to the SmartVault JavaScript library into the head of your Index.cshtml. The URL to the current library is: *


When you start the application, you should get a full-page widget.

Putting It Together

Home View- Index.cshtml

@model string



            string json = "{\"type\": \"Folder\",\"target\": {\"pathType\": \"pth\",\"pth\": []}}";
            byte[] jsonBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json);
            string confObject = System.Convert.ToBase64String(jsonBytes);


* We serve the library off CDN. If you need to serve the library yourself, contact
Download ASPNET_MVC_SmartVault-Widget(Authorization).zip

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