API Overview

The REST API provides a standard set of HTTP requests and responses.

We will be using the following URL to communicate with SmartVault’s REST API: https://rest.smartvault.com


Each request implements a standard HTTP method. The following methods are supported:

  • GET – used for retrieving metadata or file contents depending on the facility and scheme.
  • PUT – used for uploading or creating a file to the given URI. Also, used to update metadata regarding a file.
  • POST – used for uploading or creating a file in contexts where file naming conventions do not follow strict uniqueness.
  • DELETE – used to delete resources.

The following request headers are used:

Header Description Required
Authorization Authentication token Required for all
authenticated requests
Content-Length The size of the request body. Required for all
put and post requests
 Content-Type The type of the content. Required
Accept Type of response accepted. Valid answers
are application/x-protobuf, application/json,
application/xml, and application/xhtml+xml.
By default, the system assumes application/xml.
Host The URI for the request. Required


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